Countdown to arrival of my Nissan Leaf

Arrival of my Nissan Leaf:

Dé Sathairn, Bealtaine 28

Day 37 - A Typical Saturday

Well, today was a very typical Saturday. I did all those household errands you expect to do on a Saturday. Cleaning, cleaning, and yes even more cleaning. I ended up toing and froing all day, and I can tell you, Pepé was more than up to the challenge. Firstly I had to head up to the local glass recycling centre, just 2 Km up the road and then back home again. No problems there. Then I had to head back to up the local shopping centre to hand some clothes into the dry cleaners and of course, back home again. After that it was down to my parents house (5 kms away) for the weekly Ó Floinn Family Lunch Gathering! Always fun! And of course I had to back home again. After that it was a trip to the cinema with a friend to see Captain Jack Sparrow take on the evils of the pirate world (10kms) and of course back again.

While all of these trips were well within Pepé's range (as I had just charged him to full capacity the night before) it did get ne thinking how much I travel. I never before noticed the distance I travelled in particular with regards to these cumulative small trips. But they really do add up. And of course, choosing to go by motorway/dual-carriage way does use up more energy than via standard or back roads. But I guess this is one of the positive side effects of driving a range-limited vehicle - you start to think about the journeys you are making. You start to ask yourself questions like "Do I really need to make this journey?", "Can I do more while I am out?", "Is this the best route to take and how do I determine what makes it the 'best' route?". I think it is a good thing that I have finally started to ask these questions.

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