Countdown to arrival of my Nissan Leaf

Arrival of my Nissan Leaf:

Dé Máirt, Márta 1

Smug Alert!

My younger brother has been urging me to watch a relatively recent episode of South Park in which a cloud of Smug threatens the sleepy mountain town. Of course the Smug cloud emanates from the Smuggiest city in America - San Francisco!

Image courtesy of South Park (c)

Of course, what my brother is trying to say, in his own non-subtle way is "Just because you will own an electric car doesn't mean you can call everyone else an Earth-killer!"

He is correct, of course. Currently I own a 1997 BMW Z3 1.9L petrol engine convertible - a true Earth-killer if ever there was one. And I also use my rather energy inefficient condenser dryer, even when the sun is out (although in my opinion drying weather in Ireland is a bit of a myth - like leprechauns, elves and a bank with a clean balance sheet!) So just because I am willing to take the leap of faith and "Go Electric" doesn't mean that I get to rub it everyone's face and charge them with crimes against the Earth.

However, being somewhat like Bertie (the politician, not my brother) when it comes to my selective memory I will, no doubt, sometimes forget that I have agreed to curb my own personal level of Smugness. Writing about it in a blog I guess is one new way I have chosen to remind myself of my promise not to go Eco on everyone's ass. But I will need help, from my brother and indeed from all of you. So, if you detect higher than normal levels of Smug emanating from this blog, please feel free to refer me to this blog entry and you shall quickly put me in my place.


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